Who am I?

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Hi! My name is Bessie, and I’m an artist. Well, actually, I am A LOT of things, but today we’re just talking about the one.

I’ve always felt uncomfortable calling myself an artist, but the more I say it, the more confident I feel that it is, in fact, one of the things that makes me “me”.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a day dreamer. It doesn’t take much to get lost in the story of, well, anything really. And, to me, that’s the essence of what art is. Creating something that tells a story. Something that people can connect with. Something that communicates more than meets the eye.

Sometimes it takes more than words to tell a story.

My parents bought me my first camera for my birthday in 1999. Nothing fancy. Just a plastic Kodak point and shoot. I remember counting coins from my piggy bank to mail off that first roll of film and waiting for weeks for the prints to arrive. And when they did, I spent hours looking through each one and getting lost in the story. Random snapshots of my life as it was in that moment, frozen in time. And even though each photo only captured a split second, it was so much more. It wasn’t just a place and time and subject. It was a feeling, and memory, and a story.

25 years later, here I am. Picking up my camera after a few years collecting dust and finding that feeling again. The feeling of getting lost in the story.

I can’t wait to share that with you. To help tell your story. To create art together.

Our official re-opening is scheduled for June 2024, and I know there are big things on the horizon for Olive Street Photography & Design. Thank you for joining me for the ride.

Let’s tell your story.
